Division I requirements
Graduate high school
Earn a core course GPA pf 2.3 or higher
Complete 16 core courses
4 years of English
3 years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)
2 years of natural/physical science
1 year must be lab science if your school offers it
1 additional year of English, math or natural/physical science
2 years of social science
4 additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative religion or philosophy
You must complete 10 of the core courses by the end of your junior year (before the start of your seventh semester). Seven of the 10 core courses need to be in English, math or natural/physical science. The grades in these seven courses will be “locked in,” meaning you will not be allowed to retake them to improve your grades.
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching your core-course GPA on the Division I sliding scale.
Division II requirements
If you enrolling BEFORE August 1, 2018 (Class of 2017)
Graduate high school
Earn a core course GPA of 2.0 of higher
Complete 16 core courses
3 years of English
2 years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)
2 years of natural/physical science
1 year must be lab science if your school offers it
3 additional year of English, math or natural/physical science
2 years of social science
4 additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative religion or philosophy
Earn a SAT combined score of 820 or an ACT sum score of 68
If you are enrolling AFTER August 1, 2018 (Class of 2018 and later)
Graduate high school
Earn a core course GPA of 2.2 of higher
Complete 16 core courses
3 years of English
2 years of math (Algebra 1 or higher)
2 years of natural/physical science
1 year must be lab science if your school offers it
3 additional year of English, math or natural/physical science
2 years of social science
4 additional years of English, math, natural/physical science, social science, foreign language, comparative religion or philosophy
Earn an SAT combined score or ACT sum score matching your core-course GPA on the Division II sliding scale.
Sample schedule for NCAA eligibility
Below is a sample high school course schedule that would ensure a student-athlete was on track to meet all of the DI and DII core course requirements. These are generic course names. It is important you sit down with your high school counselor and put together a similar plan with the courses that are approved for your high school.
Freshman Year
English I
Algebra I
Spanish I
American Government
Sophomore Year
English II
Spanish II
Social Science
Junior Year
English III
Algebra II
Chemistry I
Senior Year
English IV
Source: http://www.ncsasports.org/ncaa-eligibility-center/ncaa-core-courses